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Treatments for a variety of problems

Our Specialties

The team of Malintis consists of psychologists with each their own specialty in regards to the treatment of a variety of problems. Each person can encounter psychological problems in different stages of their lives. You can feel anxious, down, insecure or demotivated. You can feel doubts about many issues, or feel uncomfortable or sad without knowing how to find a way out of this. You can experiences difficulties with feeling, expressing and understanding your emotions. You could also deal with processing traumatic events or experiences with loss. Fears can lead to avoiding situations.

Malintis Problematiek

It is possible that you have difficulties building up or maintaining contact with others. You can also deal with uncertainties in regards to understanding what exactly you want in life and from the future. Changes in your life can upset you, like moving, birth, divorce or losing a loved one. It is possible that there are times in your life where you struggle with motivational problems and postponing. You are in search of balance and a more comfortable life.

Sorts of Problems

Here are a few examples of problems Malintis can offer help with:

AD(H)D means a different way of processing information. Beside problems regarding attention and concentration, there is also a possibility of hyperactivity. You’re quick to be distracted and have difficulties with setting goals and priorities. There are also problems with memorising and chaotic behaviour. During treatment, we explore your talents and find a way to utilise them for a more oriented and rewarding lifestyle. This includes fewer fears and the capacities to overcome more obstacles from yourself and your surroundings.

Anger in itself is a healthy and normal emotion. It indicates that one of your boundaries is at the risk of being crossed. When you can clearly make your boundaries and needs known, your anger does not necessarily have to lead to any serious problems. However, sometimes anger can lead to aggression. This can be both verbally and physically. You lose your temper and eventually control over your behaviour. This can lead to impulsive behaviour, but it can also be deliberate. Aggression can occur domestically, in family life, outdoors or during contact with strangers. Aggressive people can still lament their problem and have a negative perception of themselves. They can have difficulties dealing with social life. Fortunately, there are ways to learn how to control your anger and stand up for yourself in a proper manner.

We are all familiar with the feeling of fear. Evolutionary speaking, this has its practical use, because fear urges us to avoid threats and danger. It increases the odds of survival. When we speak of a fear related disorder, however, you experience this kind of alertness at times when this is isn’t necessary (anymore). This fear is present but has lost its function. You can epxperience fear to a degree that it affects your everyday’s functionality and it can feel as if the world around you is getting more and more limited. There are different sorts of fear or anxiety related problems. One example is a very specific phobia (fear of flight, spiders, small rooms, driving, heights, unwanted thoughts). There are also fears that come in the shape of daily rituals or constant overthinking of daily issues. It’s also possible to feel insecure and afraid about the judgement of others. You have a negative self-image and you could feel ashamed of yourself. This negative spiral of thoughts and behaviour as well as avoidance, will be treated with us, so that you learn to get on the desirable track of your life again.

Whenever you feel depressed, you can experience dark and nervous emotions. It’s also possible that you actually feel very numb and apathetic. You lose interest in an increasing number of things and you lose the ability to enjoy them. Negative events, on the other hand, do get more attention than positive ones and you can feel exausted. It impacts your sleep, which can easily become either too much or too little. Depression is a problem where you think negatively about yourself, the world, and/or the future. Your concentration is poor and it’s possible that your thoughts frequently tend to be about death. In short, you just don’t see a way out anymore. It will help you to regain control over your thoughts, to increase your level of activation, and reclaim perspective and control over reality. There is a way out, and we can find a treatment that fits you best as an individual.

Identity problems usually have something to do with not finding a clear answer to the question “who am I and what is it I want?”. What often happens, is that you use all kinds of strategies to adapt to life. You live in a way other people expect of you and you don’t take your own original needs and desires into consideration. Problems that can emerge are anxiety, uncertainties, anger, or difficulties in decision-making. To truly find a way to regain a sense of happiness, it is essential to understand what you believe in and that you learn to think independently from others.

People with autism process information in a different than normal way neurologically. Many elements of life and development are affected by this. This leads to difficulties in understanding what is happening and what other people mean or feel. It becomes challenging for you to easily function around the expectations of everyday’s society. We offer help and support with events and struggles you encounter in life.

Stress related problems can come in the shape of a burn-out or emotional exhaustion, possibly due to crossing your own boundaries for a longer span of time. Perhaps you’ve demanded too much of yourself. You give more than you receive. Or it is a possibility that you’ve had to deal with practical uncertainties for too long. This can be at home, at work or during studies. Stress can cause psychological as well as physical problems. You can become irritable, forgetful or anxious. You can also suffer insomnia, or pain in the head, stomach or abdominal area. You might no longer feel capable of anything and feel exhausted throughout the entire day. It’s important that you find out which factors exactly cause stress and that you learn to deal with stress in a comfortable manner. 

One single traumatic experience, but also a string of such events can lead to trauma related problems. It is possible that you avoid people or places, have nightmares about the past, experience an overall restless or uncertain feeling, you can scare easily and constantly feel alert. The severity of emotions that come from certain situations or experiences can fortunately be lessened through proper treatment.

There are many kinds of addictions – not just alcohol and drug addictions, but also excessive gambling, gaming, eating, shopping, internet use, and sex or relationship addictions. It’s a problem that often crawls into your life gradually and subtely. Drastic changes, stress or sadness can tempt you to seek escapism in addictive behaviour, hoping it will help you feel better. However, you end up trapped in a downward spiral. It can get too difficult to get out of this on your own. To regain control over your life, it is essential that you seek contact with other people, to explore and use your strengths and be open and honest with your deeper emotional wellness.

This doesn’t mean that there is no treatment available for other kinds of problems. It’s not uncommon that different problems overlap each other, or that you seek help with problems that are not or barely categorised under specific diagnoses. Our intake sessions are completely free of charge, so don’t hessitate to come and see if we can also be of help to you.