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The web store for Evrience will soon launch on this page. At this moment still known as Vrerience. 

Vrerience serves as a continuously expanding library of therapeutic VR-experiences and training programs meant to aide professional therapists in treating their clients using therapeutic virtual reality (VRT). With Vrerience, we aspire to make VRT accessible to other practicing therapists around the globe. With virtual reality increasingly becoming a product for the common consumer, we hope that many therapists can enrich their services with the many possibilities this technology can offer by using our software.

Vrerience is already available for Steam under its PC Café Program

Information for Therapists

Are you interested in implementing virtual reality in your current services and wish to know more of Vrerience? Great! It’s always nice to see other professionals willing to discover new and innovative ways to treat people. Vrerience is currently available on Steam. You will need to partner up as a commercial user with Steamworks PC Café Program. Vrerience itself is free software. Each individual VRT-program will require a monthly fee to be used, and can also be cancelled at any time.

To use Vrerience:

  1. Have a steam account that doesn’t own anything yet (no games or other software). If you don’t have one, you can create a Steam account.
  2. Use this account to sign in Steamworks. Steamworks is basically the part of Steam that regulates businesses and developers.
  3. Click the [Sign Up] button for the Steam PC Café Program that allows you to use applications for commercial purposes.
  4. Visit the Vrerience store page

Information for Developers

Are you a developer and interested in developing a program for Vrerience? We’d love to expand our existing library and are always looking for help. You’ll be given credit for your work on our software and your compensation will be calculated based on the number of users. A few requirements:

Feel free to contact us if you’re interested in contributing to the Vrerience initiative.